Complete Publication List

31. Nikhil Gupt, Shuvadip Ghosh, and Arnab Ghosh, Graph-theoretic analysis of three-terminal quantum dot thermocouples: Onsager relations and spin-thermoelectric effects, Physical Review B 109 12524 (2024).
30. Nikhil Gupt, Shuvadip Ghosh, and Arnab Ghosh, Top-Ranked Cycle Flux Network Analysis of Molecular Photocells, Physical Review E 108 034305 (2023).
29. Samarth Kumar, Nikhil Gupt, Shuvadip Ghosh, and Arnab Ghosh, Introduction to quantum thermodynamic cycles, Journal of Chemical Sciences 135, 36 (2023).
28. Saikat Sur and Arnab Ghosh, Quantum Advantage of Thermal Machines with Bose and Fermi Gases, Entropy 25, 372 (2023). Selected in the Special Issue Quantum Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Applications.
27. Shuvadip Ghosh, Nikhil Gupt, and Arnab Ghosh, Universal behavior of the Coulomb-coupled Fermionic thermal diode, Entropy 24, 1810 (2022). Selected in the Special Issue Thermodynamics in Quantum and Mesoscopic Systems
26. Nikhil Gupt, Srijan Bhattacharyya, Bikash Das, Subhadeep Datta, Victor Mukherjee, and Arnab Ghosh, Floquet quantum thermal transistor Phys. Rev. E 106, 024110 (2022). Featured in Physics: Quantum Thermal Transistor Amplifies Heat Currents
25. Nikhil Gupt, Srijan Bhattacharyya, and Arnab Ghosh, Statistical generalization of regenerative bosonic and fermionic Stirling cycles, Physical Review E 104, 054130 (2021).
24. H. Dong, Arnab Ghosh, M. O. Scully, G. Kurizki, Thermodynamic bounds on work extraction from photocells and photosynthesis, European Physical Journal Special Topics 230, 873 (2021).
23. H Dong, Arnab Ghosh, M. B. Kim, S. W. Li, A. A. Svidzinsky, Z. Zhang, G. Kurizki and M. O. Scully, On the thermodynamics of the difference between energy transfer rate and heat engine efficiency, European Physical Journal Special Topics 230, 867 (2021).
22. S. Bhattacharyya, Arnab Ghosh and D. S. Ray, Microscopic quantum generalization of classical Liénard oscillators, Physical Review E, 103, 012118 (2021).
21. D D Bhaktavatsala Rao, Arnab Ghosh, David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Nir Bar-Gill, and Gershon Kurizki, Spin-bath polarization via disentanglement, New Journal of Physics, 22, 083035, (2020).
20. V. Mukherjee, A. Zwick, Arnab Ghosh, X. Chen, and G. Kurizki, Enhanced precision bound of low-temperature quantum thermometry via dynamical control, Nature Communication Physics, 2, 1-8 (2019).
________Before Joining to IITK_________
19. Arnab Ghosh, V. Mukherjee, W. Niedenzu, and G. Kurizki, Are quantum thermodynamic machines better than classical?, European Physical Journal Special Topics, 227, 2043 (2019).
18. Arnab Ghosh, W. Niedenzu, V. Mukherjee, and G. Kurizki, Thermodynamic principles and implementations of quantum machines, (2018). Chapter edited by F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso
in ''Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing).
17. Arnab Ghosh, D. G. Klimovsky, W. Niedenzu, A. I. Lvovsky, I. Mazets, M. O. Scully and G. Kurizki, Two-level masers as heat-to-work converters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 115, 9941 (2018).
16. W. Niedenzu, V. Mukherjee, Arnab Ghosh, A. G. Kofman and G. Kurizki, Quantum engine efficiency bound beyond the second law of thermodynamics, Nature communications, 9, 165 (2018). Highlighted in Weizmann Wonder Wander: The Limits of Power ---- News, Features and Discoveries from the Weizmann Institute of Science.
15. Arnab Ghosh, C. L. Latune, L. Davidovich and G. Kurizki, Catalysis of heat-to-work conversion in quantum machines, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 114, 12156 (2017). Highlighted in Weizmann Wonder Wander: The Limits of Power ---- News, Features and Discoveries from the Weizmann Institute of Science.
14. Arnab Ghosh, Born-Kothari condensation for fermions, Entropy, 19, 479 (2017). Selected in Special Issue of Entropy: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.
13. Arnab Ghosh, and D. S. Ray, Born-Kothari condensation in an ideal Fermi gas, Physical Review A, 95, 022129 (2017). Highlighted in Nature India: New model to unravel mysteries of elementary particles.
12. Arnab Ghosh, Parametrically coupled fermionic oscillators: Correlation functions and phase space description, Physical Review A, 91, 013835 (2015).
11. Arnab Ghosh, Parametric control in coupled fermionic oscillators, Physical Review A, 90, 043820 (2014).
10. Arnab Ghosh, S. S. Sinha and D. S. Ray, Quantum dissipation in a spin bath; Applications to chemical dynamics, Proc. Ind. Natl. Sci. Acad., 80, 949-998 (2014).
9. S. S. Sinha, Arnab Ghosh, B. C. Bag and D. S. Ray, Quantum Brownian Motion in Spin bath. Chapter edited by S. Ghosh and P. K. Chattaraj in Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. II, Statistical Mechanics, (Taylor and Francis, Florida) (2013).
8. Arnab Ghosh and D. S. Ray, Dynamical correction on thermodynamic functions of small systems, ISRAPS Bulletin: Commemorative Issue in Honour of Dr. S. K. Ghosh on his 65th Birthday, edited by K. R. S. Chandrakumar and D. K. Maity, Vol. 25/4, 1-7, (2013).
7. S. S. Sinha, Arnab Ghosh and D. S. Ray, Fluctuation corrections to thermodynamic functions: Finite-size effects, Physical Review E, 87, 042112 (2013).
6. Arnab Ghosh, S. S. Sinha and D. S. Ray, Fermionic oscillator in a fermionic bath, Physical Review E, 86, 011138 (2012).
5. Arnab Ghosh, S. S. Sinha and D. S. Ray, Canonical formulation of quantum dissipation and noise in a generalized spin bath, Physical Review E, 86, 011122 (2012).
4. S. S. Sinha, Arnab Ghosh and D. S. Ray, Decay of a metastable state induced by a spin bath, Physical Review E, 84, 041113 (2011).
3. S. S. Sinha, Arnab Ghosh and D. S. Ray, Quantum Smoluchowski equation for a spin bath, Physical Review E, 84, 031118 (2011).
2. Arnab Ghosh, S. S. Sinha and D. S. Ray, Dissipation in a spin bath: Thermally induced coherent intensity and spectral splitting, Physical Review E, 83, 061154 (2011).
1. Arnab Ghosh, S. S. Sinha and D. S. Ray, Langevin-Bloch equations for a spin bath, Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 094114 (2011).
Review and Book Chapters
Arnab Ghosh, W. Niedenzu, V. Mukherjee, and G. Kurizki, Thermodynamic principles and implementations of quantum machines, (2018). Chapter edited by F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adessoin ''Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing).
Arnab Ghosh, Born-Kothari condensation for fermions, Entropy, 19, 479 (2017). Selected in Special Issue of Entropy: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.
S. S. Sinha, Arnab Ghosh, B. C. Bag and D. S. Ray, Quantum Brownian Motion in Spin bath. Chapter edited by S. Ghosh and P. K. Chattaraj in Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. II, Statistical Mechanics, (Taylor and Francis, Florida) (2013).